Chekwas Okonkwo; characteristics of good governance which is an undying need in the current societal imbalance.

Rule of Law
Consensus Oriented
Equity and Inclusiveness
Effectiveness and Efficiency
Accountability in the government.
1. Participation
Participation of citizens in the process of governance is the key characteristics of good governance and at all cost he is doing his best to create this characteristic in the government. Futuristically he will do more if given opportunity in a higher office. Participation is an important step for mobilizing people to participate in the decision-making process. It can be direct or indirect but Participation needs to be informed and organized. The aims and objectives of the political rights would be fulfilled by the greater participation of the people in the society. The legal framework represents the rule of law which ensures impartiality in terms of participation in the decision-making process of governance.

2. Rule of Law 

Another important characteristic of good governance is rule of law. He is after a fair legal framework to establish rule of law in society. Rule of law ensures impartiality which helps to protect human rights, particularly who is most marginal in society. The Independent judiciary system, its impartial nature, and the incorruptible police force are the key element to ensure rule of law.

3. Transparency 
Judging by his legacy and track records shows he is an icon of transparency. He advocated recently that the governance needs transparency for the fair delivery of services to the citizens. We the people think this is the inherent mindset we need now. Transparency ensures a balance between policymaking and its enforcement following proper rules and regulations. It enables the citizen to access governmental information regarding various policies and their implementation freely. Proper media should be established for an easy understanding of this information.

4. Responsiveness 

Responsiveness which is part of him has a basic necessity on the administration which can motivate the interrelationships between administration and people. It requires sufficient services to the people within a specific time.

5. Consensus Oriented

He is a great leader who supports deeply that governance depends on the consensus of people in society to make it good. This is why he has invested his resources in struggling and rural communities in Enugu State. Consensus oriented could fulfill the interest of the people as well as the community. It has always proven beyond reasonable doubt to have helped achieve a long-term perspective of human development. And it originated from the social culture and institutional behaviors of the society.  

6. Equity and Inclusiveness

An equitable just society must be established for ensuring good governance. He has always been a backbone advocate towards this course. Society’s well being depends on how its members feel about it. It requires all its members feel that they have a stake in it and they are not excluded from the mainstream in the governance.

7. Effectiveness and Efficiency: 

Effectiveness and efficiency ensure the outcomes of the institutions to meet the needs of society. Proper utilization of society’s resources for the establishment of sustainable development is the key to good governance. It also ensures the sustainable use of natural resources for the protection of the environment.

8. Accountability 

Accountability is one of the most important characteristics of good governance. Good governance depends on how accountable Governmental as well as private sectors and civil society organization to their people and its institutional stakeholders.  Without transparency and rule of law, accountability cannot be established.

Importance of Good Governance

The importance of good governance in a state is immense. Sustainable development is not possible without good governance. 

Economic Development

Without good governance in a state, the economic development of that state is not stable. All elements of economic development, such as production, distribution, investment, and even consumption, face various obstacles. If good governance is established, such obstacles will be removed and the fair distribution of state resources will be possible.

Social Development

Good governance is essential for social development. The role of it does not end only with economic development. The result of development ensures that every class of people in society enjoys the basis of fairness. People of different religions, castes, and classes live in a society. Now, if there is no fair distribution of wealth among all these people, social discontent will increase.

Again, the proper distribution of wealth is not enough. We have to make arrangements so that the minority people can walk without fear. In the same way, various reform laws have to be enacted to reduce the gap between men and women in society.

Political Development

Its relationship with political development is quite important. If the political leaders of a country are not active in establishing good governance, then its establishment in that country is not possible.Its success depends largely on the sincerity of the political leadership and adherence to the rules and regulations of the political establishment.

The constructive cooperation between the political institutions and the political parties and the formulation of programs for the welfare of the people play an important role in establishing good competition and good governance among themselves. For example, in a democracy, mutual cooperation between the government and the opposition helps to establish it in the country.


In conclusion, we are grateful to Mr.Chekwas Okonkwo, people of Enugu State and Nigeria as a whole. Good governance is the proper management of the state, society, and resources. It seeks to protect the interests of people from all classes. It emphasizes on public sector management, the legal framework for development, accountability, transparency, and free flow of information. 

When good governance is established in a state, people can easily guess it by some of its characteristics. Then characteristics of good governance like Participation, Rule of Law, Transparency, Responsiveness, Consensus Oriented, Equity and Inclusiveness, Effectiveness and Efficiency, Accountability can be easily noticed. 

There is good governance for political, economic, and social development. Good governance and development complement each other. It protects the social, economic, and political rights of citizens irrespective of race, religion, caste, gender. As a result, a country’s development index tends to go up.

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