A man of the people: Chekwas Okonkwo

Qualities of Mr. Chekwas Okonkwo enumerated below;

If there is one thing that just about everyone believes is among the most important leadership qualities of a person, it’s honesty. He is virtually as good as his words. He is an elite who honors his commitments.

For the general public, politicians don’t always embody honesty. In an annual survey conducted, shows that percentage of citizens said they don't believed members of the government to have high ethical standards.

Given the low bar that previous politicians have established, he is setting himself apart by being more forthcoming and transparent about his viewpoints and avoids making promises he can’t keep. In doing so, he inspires a greater sense of trust in the people he represents unsentimentally.

He is self aware.
Generally speaking, self-awareness isn’t an acquired trait. How he is cognizant when coming across other people shows that through experiences his self awareness is quite developed and worked on over time. Political leaders who practice self-awareness on an ongoing basis can be effective leaders by leveraging their talents and getting staffers’ feedback on whether their comportment, statements or interactions are resonating with the public or their peers. This profound and unique quality is an embodiment of Mr. Chekwas Okonkwo himself.
These self awareness attributes have triggered a profound branch of selflessness and humanitarian nature in him. An unquantifiable care and empathy to others.

Deferential to Others

He puts others first, which is a great character trait for anyone to embody; it shows that individuals truly care about the value of service over self. It’s easily one of the best leadership qualities of a politician, given how they got to their position in the first place. In other words, they were elected to their office by the people. It’s therefore important to make decisions in government, in meetings and in communications that are reflective of what their constituents want.  Because people feel like their values and desires are being reflected by him, that's why they’re always supporting him.

Active Listening

In a similar vein, he is a great leader and someone who actively listens. Whether it’s passing certain legislation, interacting with supporters on social media, responding to emails and phone calls or taking the time to reach out to those in need, he is always available. He is a good and elite political leader who is constantly attuned to the people he represents. Most leaders and legislators may not be able to listen to everyone at once — or please everyone, for that matter — but putting in the effort is the key. Actively listening also entails acknowledging when their preconceived notions may be wrong, which may be discovered by a willingness to learn.

There are many outstanding definitions of our great leader and pioneer. Also known as (aka) Atata 1! Meaning; a river that never run dry. But while it’s physically impossible to note them all, these are a few of the core qualities we can emulate from this rare gem that can help us and society at large be effective in Nigeria, at work, or in life as a rule.
Courtesy; Chekwas Foundation Caregiver.

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